
NOTE: All materials on the Circle of All Nations and Asinabka websites, with the exception of those documents credited to specific individuals, have, since 1997, been authored by Romola V. Thumbadoo, PhD, Coordinator of the Circle of All Nations, under the names of Thumbadoo and Trebilcock, in collaboration with William Commanda, Hon. Phd (University of Ottawa and l'Université de Québec en l'Outaouais), Officer of the Order of Canada, till August 3, 2011, and alone since this date. Please acknowledge the use of any material in writing.

When you use any ideas or materials from this website or other linked sites, please reference the URL of the Article and the Date of Access to ensure proper Intellectual Ownership regulations are respected and that all Circle of All Nations, Asinabka, William Commanda Legacy and Romola V. Thumbadoo materials are acknowledged consistent with copyright regulations. This will also help us ensure that William Commanda's Legacy is acknowledged into posterity. Thank you very much.

All original materials on these websites are © Circle of All Nations; all rights reserved.
Contact Romola V. Thumbadoo at as required.

Circle of All Nations E-Newsletters

2019-09-14 CAN Annual Equinox Peace Event

2018-11-02 Circle of All Nations Newsletter & Invitation to Celebrate Grandfather William's 105th birthday

2018-09-19 CAN Annual Equinox Peace Event

2018-07-26 Circle of All Nations Newsletter and Invitation to celebrate
the life and legacy of Grandfather William Commanda on the 7th anniversay of his passing

2018-03-24 Circle of All Nations Newsletter and Invitation to Spring Equinox Event

2017-11-11 Circle of All Nations Invitation to Celebrate Grandfather's 104th birthday

2017-09-21 Circle of All Nations Newsletter Highlights plus Invitation to Equinox Event

2017-06-16 Circle of All Nations Note

2017-03-12 CAN Equinox and 2016 Reports

2016-11-03 Celebrating Grandfather's Remembrance Day Birthday

2016-08-18 Circle of All Nations Newsletter

2016-06-24: 2016 Circle of All Nations Solstice Event Agenda Update

2016-06-14: 2016 Circle of All Nations Solstice Event

2016-03-25: 2016 Circle of All Nations March Equinox

2016-02-29: 2016 Circle of All Nations Leap Year Message and 2015 Year End Report




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